Our recent blog post shared our process of how we measure impact at Watsi, but we're also excited to share more stories with you of what we hear when we ask our patients this radically simple question:
"Can you do more of what you hoped you would be able to do now that you've had treatment?"
Listen in on what our patient Robert shared when we visited his home a few months after his fracture repair surgery:
When Robert first arrived to AIC Kijabe Hospital last August following a road traffic accident, he was in pain and not able to walk or work. As a 37-year-old father of two children, he worried how he would take care of his family and get back to his day-to-day tasks. He told us, "I am hopeful that I will be able to walk again."
Our medical partner African Mission Healthcare shared Robert's story with our Watsi community and 37 donors stepped in to raise $1,500 to directly fund his treatment. Each of these donors is now part of Robert's story and his journey back to good health.

As Robert headed home from the hospital after his surgery, he already had a renewed sense of hope and optimism for the road ahead. He shared, “It has been a journey and I am almost completing it. I need to now focus on healing so that I may be able to use my legs again and take care of my family.”
When Edward Muguthu, the Impact Assessment Coordinator from African Mission Healthcare, visited Robert's home a few months later, his determination and hard work had paid off. Robert was on the move again and able to help with the daily needs of his family.
We're so touched to not only see Robert doing well at home but also to hear from Robert and his father that their family hopes to be able to pay forward the generosity one day to someone else in need. Maybe they will even meet a patient on Watsi and join in to help. 💙
The Watsi Team
Everyone deserves healthcare.