The Watsi chapter at UC Davis is changing lives

Meet Emily, Nisha, Aditi, and Saba - the four board members of Watsi's chapter at UC Davis.

The Watsi chapter at UC Davis organizes fundraisers and events to support patients on Watsi. They recently co-hosted an event called Formal Without Borders, which promotes campus clubs with an international focus. The event raised over $2,500, and the Watsi chapter portion was used to fund Makara's myringoplasty surgery.

We're always happy to help students spread the word about Watsi at their school. In addition to UC Davis, Watsi has independently run campus chapters at McMaster University, Elon University, University of Toronto, Loyola Marymount, CSU Northridge, and Stony Brook.

Interested in starting a chapter at your school? Email

Katya Lavine

Katya Lavine

I manage medical partnerships @ Watsi

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Jacob, accessing care at the Rwibaale clinic for the first time.