Meet our spring writing team!

This spring, we're welcoming new volunteer writers and interns to the Watsi family!


Caitlin Andersen is currently a second-year student at U.C. Berkeley with a major in Political Science. Within the major of Political Science, Caitlin has chosen to specialize in International Relations because she is interested in a future career in international law. In addition to her studies, Caitlin is involved with the Omega chapter of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta and is a serving member of the philanthropy committee.

Emily Abraham is a student at UC Berkeley studying Anthropology and Public Policy. She started a youth run nonprofit that raised thousands of dollars to benefit homeless, at risk youth, elderly, and pregnant and abused women in her community. She believes that nonprofits fueled by passionate people can make all the difference for those in need and really enjoys creating hands-on solutions.

New Volunteers:

Eshaan Kashyap recently graduated with a chemical biology degree from UC Berkeley with a desire to further work in healthcare. He is passionate about environmental health and education, and is intrigued with how improving technology influences medicine and healthcare policy. He loves to dance, and if you catch him staring into space while listening to music, he's likely choreographing physically impossible moves in his head. His favorite movie of all time is The Lion King, and watches the movie at least once a month. Eshaan is incredibly humbled to be working for as great an organization as Watsi.

Ella Henning is a senior at Loyola University of Chicago. She is studying advertising and public relations and hopes to work in an advertising agency in the future. She loves Watsi’s standard of transparency and idea that technology can be used to bring together people and resources from around the world to make an impact in peoples’ lives. Though she is often unsure of her own path and future, seeing the physical good that Watsi does gives her drive and direction.

Kristi Lui is a recent neurobiology graduate from Northwestern University. She moved back to the Bay Area to delve into various aspects of patient care. She just started a clinical position at the UCSF Neurology clinic where she works with patients with dementia and their caregivers on a daily basis. During the weekends, she loves to bake, write fiction or even practice calligraphy, read the classics, and explore the city looking for the perfect coffee shop hideout.

Chelsea Davis believes that narrative can be a powerful tool for both building empathy and affecting social change. This belief led her to her current work as a PhD student in English at Stanford University, where her research and teaching focus on American wartime literature. She also uses her storytelling skills in the service of social justice causes as a freelance radio producer. She co-founded the Sudan Radio Project, a show dedicated to the voices of people affected by political conflict in East Africa. In addition, she has reported on topics such as disability activism and LGBTQ rights. She is thrilled to contribute to Watsi’s efforts to expand healthcare acces.

Daniel Hochman is a software engineer at Lyft. He's passionate about scaling innovative products and organizations to improve quality of life for those around the world. When he's not at a desk, you might find him on two wheels, at a basketball game, or playing Tetris. Daniel is originally from Houston, Texas.

Natalie Wallace hails from the Finger Lakes region of New York State.  She graduated from SUNY Albany with an English degree in 2014, and has since been attempting to figure out where to go next.  Despite her indecision, her ultimate goal is to contribute in some way to the socially equal, environmentally sustainable, and economically just society that she knows is possible.  Watsi seems to her like a good step in that direction!  In her spare time, Natalie enjoys playing the viola, hiking the Adirondack Mountains, spreading jigsaw puzzle pieces across the floor and spending hours hunched over them, and contemplating life until she is overwhelmed, then contemplating it some more.

Christine Feng is passionate about sustainable development for underserved communities. She currently works in consulting at Oliver Wyman, providing insights to effect positive change. She graduated from Princeton, where she first discovered a passion for international development while leading a sustainable engineering project in Sierra Leone. She looks forward to exploring as much of the rest of the world as she can.

Megan Monroe is originally from the Bay Area, but now lives in NYC and is finishing up her senior at NYU. She's studying Sociology and Social Work, and is interested about bridging the various societal gaps that exist, and the ways in which we do so. She's excited to learn more about the healthcare practices of other countries, and to help share stories of others through Watsi! When she's not in class or working, she loves to run, explore different boroughs and neighborhoods, and to read!

Fiahna Cabana is a Bay Area native passionate about the intersection of entrepreneurship, public policy and social innovation—ultimately exploring ways to use technology for good. She is currently pursuing a graduate degree in public administration at the University of Southern California. In addition, she supports digital health startups at the UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation and is an explorer of art in public spaces.

Yidi Zhang is a postgraduate student studying translation at Surrey University in the UK. With a great interest in language and culture, she is dedicated to bridging the gaps between different people and different cultures. Volunteering with Watsi as an English-Chinese translator, she hopes to bring more people to acknowledge human plights and to give their support.

Bharat Sharma lives and works in Los Angeles. As a digital researcher working in Hollywood, he understands the value of a good story, and the moments he spends writing for Watsi are some of the best of his week.

These new volunteers join our awesome volunteer team of passionate, dedicated folks from around the world.

If you're interested in learning more about the volunteer program, email

Katya Lavine

Katya Lavine

I manage medical partnerships @ Watsi